Earlier Detection of Patient Deterioration

The Challenge

Patient acuity levels are rising on general care floors. Staff-to-patient ratios, generally, are not. Research suggests that the signs and symptoms of clinical deterioration can be detected as early as 6 to 8 hours before an event or arrest1—but symptoms of conditions like sepsis, respiratory depression, lethal cardiac arrhythmias and more can be difficult to detect in early stages.

Today’s hospitals need reliable, efficient ways to detect early signs of patient deterioration—and get the pertinent information to clinicians who can impact outcomes. Read on for expert insights into how clinicians can monitor for and help prevent these and other life-threatening conditions in general care departments.

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  1. Utilization of Electronic Modified Early Warning Score to Engage Rapid Response Team Early in Clinical Deterioration; Melody A. Rose, DNP, RN; Lee Ann Hanna, PhD, RN; Sareda A. Nur, MD; Constance M. Johnson, PhD, RN. Journal for Nurses in Professional Development & Volume 31, Issue 3.