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5 Minutes
The physical exam is a crucial tool for the early detection and diagnosis of disease—and perhaps no part of the physical assessment is more important than the routine eye examination.
Unlike other parts of the body, physicians can get an unobstructed view of the blood vessels, nerves and connective tissues within the eye without the need for surgery.
Since the eye plays a crucial role in our central nervous system,1 even small abnormalities can signal bigger issues with a patient’s overall health and well-being. Examples include identifying life-threatening complications related to chronic conditions and more accurately staging diabetes and hypertension.
How can physicians better detect and diagnose heart, brain and immune disorders through the eye? The key is knowing what to look for.
Find out how conditions like retinopathy, papilledema, retinal detachment and optic neuritis can point to more serious conditions in other parts of the body—and how technology can help physicians detect and treat seven common (and possibly life-threatening) conditions faster and more accurately.