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The Complete Guide on Performing Diabetic Retinal Exams in Primary Care

Diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of preventable blindness among working-age adults.1 As the number of people with diabetes increases, so will the number of people with impaired vision.2 Diabetic retinopathy is up to 95% preventable with early detection and treatment.1 However, only about 50-60% of diabetic patients will receive an annual diabetic retinal exam.3, 4

Healthcare providers need to be equipped with the right technology to help increase retinal exam compliance rates. Teleretinal imaging was designed to bring diabetic retinal exams into primary care to ensure diabetic retinopathy is detected early enough to prevent blindness.

Check out the eBook, The Complete Guide on Performing Diabetic Retinal Exams in Primary Care, to learn more about what teleretinal imaging can do for your patients and practice.

What’s inside the eBook:

  • How teleretinal imaging can impact your patients and practice
  • How to manage patients with diabetes
  • How to select the right retinal camera for your practice
  • How to implement a diabetic retinal exam program into your practice
cover of the brochure titled The Complete Guide on Performing Diabetic Retinal Exams in Primary Care


1. National Eye Institute. Facts about Diabetic Eye Disease. Accessed July 27, 2018.
2. CDC Vision Health Initiative (VHI), Common Eye Disorders. Accessed July 27, 2018.
3. Monitoring Visual Status: Why Patients Do or Do Not Comply with Practice Guidelines; Frank A. Sloan, Derek S. Brown, Emily Streyer Carlisle, Gabriel A. Picone, and Paul P. Lee; HSR: Health Services Research 39:5 (October 2004)
4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Diabetes Report Card 2017. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, US Dept of Health and Human Services; 2018.