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Overcoming Challenges in the ICU with Progressa® Smart Bed

Close up view of a nurse or doctor wearing surgical mask and a face shield.

The world is changing. You are at the forefront of a pandemic and every day brings new challenges. The one thing that hasn’t changed is your commitment to care. ICUs are operating at full capacity, while care teams work around the clock to save critically ill patients who are fighting for their lives.

This interactive e-Book is full of practical guidance to help empower essential care teams to get the most critical patients back on their feet with the Progressa Smart Bed.
  • Help patients breathe easier
  • Protect patients’ skin
  • Get patients up and moving sooner
Overcoming challenges in the ICU with Progressa Smart Bed eBook thumbnail

Complete the form to download our interactive e-Book and learn how Hillrom can help you make earlier mobility a priority in daily care.