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Providers are using home health care to help patients achieve better outcomes.
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Caption: The Hillrom™ Connex® App and Health Portal help keep patients and care teams connected.
An estimated 117 million adults have one or more chronic health conditions, and one in four adults have two or more chronic health conditions.1 Chronic diseases are defined broadly as conditions that last one year or more and require ongoing medical attention and/or that limit activities of daily living. Chronic diseases such as heart disease are the leading causes of death and disability in the United States.2 They are also leading drivers of the nation’s $3.5 trillion in annual care costs.3
Advancements in health management are empowering patients to manage their health like never before while giving providers remote patient monitoring tools to better understand the needs of patients. This shift is shining a light on the importance of comprehensive systems for patient support. Hillrom’s innovative monitoring and therapy solutions offer patients the care they’d expect in the hospital, at home. They may also help reduce unnecessary costs incurred during extended stays and readmissions.
In a changing care landscape, more patients are skipping critical checkups used to manage chronic conditions. Health systems are continuously challenged to:
Managing chronic disease requires close collaboration between patients and care teams. Remote patient monitoring technologies are enabling stronger connections between patients and doctors, resulting in better outcomes.
Innovations like The Vest® Airway Clearance System and the Monarch® Airway Clearance System are bringing therapy to the home and beyond with connectivity that helps improve outcomes. The Vest® Airway Clearance System has become the standard for respiratory home therapy, while the Monarch Airway Clearance System uses targeted kinetic energy and airflow to thin and mobilize secretions from the airways, at home or on the go.
Both systems connect patients to care teams with the Hillrom™ Connex® App and Health Portal, to help patients and care teams share therapy session data and results. With this powerful connection, patients can manage their daily care routines and clinicians can create more informed care plans in collaboration with patients.
Patients are more likely to utilize a prescribed therapy when it fits into their lives. Advancements are enabling providers to remotely manage and monitor their patients’ health with ease and accuracy. Remote patient monitoring solutions like the Hillrom™ Extended Care Solution empower patients to capture their vital signs at home with the Welch Allyn® Spot® Vital Signs 4400 Extended Care Device. Vital signs automatically transfer to the Hillrom™ Connex® App via Bluetooth®, allowing patients to send results right to their care team with the press of a button. Clinicians can then access patient vitals on the web-based Hillrom Connex® Clinical Portal to check for any signs of change.
Innovations in cardiopulmonary monitoring like the ABPM 7100 Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor can provide care teams with a comprehensive view of their patients’ cardiac health. The ABPM 7100 Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor helps care teams avoid white coat hypertension, track patient sleep readings and tailor drug therapy regimens with simple, 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring.
With the world becoming increasingly connected through technology, remote patient monitoring and home care trends will likely continue for the foreseeable future. Care teams and patients with chronic disease can benefit from adopting solutions that bring accurate, connected care to more places.
Hillrom is driving innovation that achieves better patient outcomes in the home. Download our eBook and infographic to learn more about our home care solutions.
1. About Chronic Diseases. (2020, November 17). Retrieved January 08, 2021, from https://www.cdc.gov/chronicdisease/about/index.htm
2. Heart Disease and Stroke. (2020, October 07). Retrieved January 08, 2021, from https://www.cdc.gov/chronicdisease/resources/publications/factsheets/heart-disease-stroke.htm
3. Health and Economic Costs of Chronic Diseases. (2020, November 17). Retrieved January 08, 2021, from https://www.cdc.gov/chronicdisease/about/costs/index.htm