Baxter is your connectivity partner

        Simple. Secure. Connected.

Simple-to-use devices require fewer steps to deliver more accurate results.

94% of ECG users surveyed say Hillrom's Welch Allyn devices can help improve workflow efficiency.

Secure and protect patient data with encryption.

We protect patient data, and your network, with security features that meet strict requirements-even those of the United States Department of Defense.

Connect to virtually any EMR or ECG Management System.

With over 100 connected installations — both inside and outside the hospital — confidently connect to a workflow that’s designed for your needs.

Healthcare data breaches are costly and common. Don’t become another statistic.

$7.13 million

Is the average cost of a healthcare data breach in 2020*


Of data breach incidents exposed customer PII (personally identifiable information)*

280 Days

Is the average time it takes to identify and contain a data breach*


Of data breaches in the healthcare industry were caused by a malicious attack*

Proven Solutions For You

  •     Connected sites across Australia integrated with Cerner, Sunrise (Allscripts), Epic, McKesson, GE Muse, Philips Tasy, Epiphany, among many others
  •     Connectivity pathways include (depending on EMR) bi-directional DICOM and HL7 ORU/ORM/ADT messaging for Patient Demographic Queries, Modality Worklists, XML and PDF Results, Central Stations and Alarm Gateways
  •     Fully connected solutions for Vitals, ECGs, Beds. Stress and Holter systems

Streamline clinical workflows across your facility

Patient Monitoring Vital Signs Icon

Patient Monitoring

Send data from validated vital signs solutions—including the Welch Allyn® Spot Vital Signs® 4400 Device, Welch Allyn Connex® Spot Monitor and Welch Allyn Connex Vital Signs Monitor—to your EMR with a few simple clicks.

Diagnostic Cardiology ECG Waveform Icon

Diagnostic Cardiology

ECG data can be sent directly to your EMR from validated devices including the Diagnostic Cardiology Suite ECG, plus the ELI 280 and 380 Resting ECGs and the XScribeCardiac Stress Testing System, and HScribe Holter System, all with proven connectivity workflows.

Centrella Smart Bed

Centrella SmartBed

Supporting the changing needs of healthcare facilities—so you can deliver elevated care. All too often, life-altering health events are accompanied by costly complications. To manage these events, you need a comprehensive solution. Meet the Centrella Smart+ Bed—designed to help you improve your patients’ safety and satisfaction.

Featured Solutions

Explore our innovations.


Protect Your Patient’s Data with Government-Level Security  

Secure information at rest and in motion with data encryption and other security features approved by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD).

Audit trails, data encryption, user authentication (LDAP), and more are designed to help you securely take advantage of connected workflows for improved patient care and information access.

The Welch Allyn Q-Stress System is Department of Defense Risk Management Framework approved.

The Possibilities of Connected Care are Endless


Beds and Connectivity?

See how the connex platform can transform your patients care and improve workflow efficiency.

Ready to simply your worflows and provide better patient outcomes?

View the Vitals and ECG connected workflows in action and see how we can help.





Let's Connect

To learn more about how our connectivity solutions for our vitals, ECG and bed products can improve your clinical workflows, please fill in the form and our specialist connectivity and clinical team will connect with your directly.